Friday, March 9, 2007

What is Going on With Women’s Fashion Design?

You are not going to believe what I saw on my recent trip to California. I saw not one but two women wearing jeans with a dress or skirt on top of the jeans! What is going on with women’s fashion design? Are they not sure what the fashion should be so the put both on to decide later which one is most appropriate and then they will shed one? I am in favor of new fashion design as much as the next person, but what is this all about. I am looking forward to hearing from women out there to learn first hand what this is all about. Could this be another fashion marketing scheme by some famous designer? Time will tell I guess.

About The Author
Ed Pena is an internet marketing consultant who loves to help people learn how to make money on the worldwide web. He runs an informational website to help people make informed decisions about fashion, fashion design and fashion schools. His sites offer free articles on fashion and other fashion products. To take advantage of all this cool stuff and more, be sure to check out Ed’s site at

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